Computer Results by:               ISC CORPORATE CHALLENGE                  Indianapolis, IN
TUXEDO BROTHERS, INC.                 September 26, 2009
                             FINAL GOOD SPORT DIVISION TEAM TOTALS

GOOD SPORTS DIVISION TEAM RESULTS:     (Number finished =  12)

                                             5K            Foot                          Basket     Tug         
                                        Fitness            ball Frisbee    Corn    Golf    Ball      of    Final
                                           Walk Bowling   Throw    Toss    Hole    Chip   Shoot     War    Total
Place  Div  Team Name                    Points  Points  Points  Points  Points  Points  Points  Points   Points
    1   4   CONSECO                          88      83      75      83      75      92      25      75      596
    2   4   CUMMINS                          96      25     100      92      50     100      83      25      571
    3   4   SIMON PROPERTY GROUP             76      58      92      50      67      42     100      50      535
    4   4   INDIANAPOLIS POWER & LIGHT CO.    0      33      83     100     100      50      92       0      458
    5   4   ALLISON TRANSMISSION             96      92      25      25      92      25      33      50      438
    6   4   ONEAMERICA                       96      67       8      42      83      67      42      25      430
    7   4   ST. VINCENT HEALTH               96     100      42      17      42      17      67      25      406
    8   4   DOW AGROSCIENCES                 52      17      58      83      33      75      58      25      401
    9   4   IVY TECH                         28      42      33      33      67      83      83      25      394
   10   4   WISHARD HEALTH SERVICES          84      75      50      17      17      33       8     100      384
   11   4   MSD OF WAYNE TOWNSHIP            80      50      67      58       8      58      17      25      363
   12   4   ELI LILLY & COMPANY              36       8      17      83      25       8      50      25      252